Вот буквально только что нагуглил на каком то заморском ресурсе о ПиТи круйзерах:
"For those who have had this code come up and the car goes into limp mode, the cause is a corroded wire that connects the PCM to the transmission harness, its attached to the battery tray mount by two plastic clips. Labor involves taking the connector apart and repairing or replacing the corroded connectors. Dealer charges 2 hours to repair."
"you have to take the battery tray out, the harness is under it. i havent done this myself, but i think ive seen the harness there when i did my own digging years ago when i had this issue."
Если не поможет, то сервис мануал по этой ошибке говорит проверять проводку между подкапотным блоком предохранителей и ЭБУ двигателя, который на моторном щите рядом находится. Вот инструкция: